
Jan 2024
• UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
• Royal College of Art Students
• Co-design
• Ocean-science
• Placed-based approach

Hillingdon is London's second most polluted area, likely due to Heathrow Airport, which generates significant metal and noise pollution. However, residents are unaware of the airport's impact on the aquatic environment, and local initiatives lack strategies to address these issues.

In response, we propose 'AquaShellter,' designed to safeguard Hillingdon's aquatic life from metal and noise pollution. Utilizing biosorption from ocean science, it employs crustacean shells to absorb heavy metals from the river. Its surface pattern, inspired by the Helmholtz principle, minimizes underwater noise, providing a serene habitat.

Crustacean shells(Crab, Shrimp, and Oyster Shells) absorbing heavy metals
Surface pattern minimizing underwater noise, inspired by the Helmholtz principle

The XR game is developed using a co-design approach to engage residents in addressing ocean pollution. The game simulates underwater environments, allowing players to experience noise and metal pollution effects firsthand. By providing participants with a simple kit to construct and install AquaShellters in Hillingdon's rivers, the project aims to raise awareness and empower communities to mitigate airport cities' adverse impacts on the ocean.
